What is a questionnaire?
A set of questions which has a selection of choices or just a blank space for the person to write an answer. Questionnaires are normally made for the purposes of statistical studies.

Things to consider with a questionnaire:
  • The type of questionnaire (multiple choice, numbers, requires a written answer) 
  • A synopsis / A scenario / A bit about what your documentary is about
  • Open and closed questions
  • Simple enough for a range of people to understand
  • A good distribution - different genders and ages and a decent amount of people (MIN 15)
  • Analyse your results
  • Pie Charts / Bar Charts

Sites that enable you to make a questionnaire:

Questionnaire Results - Visual

Questionnaire Results - Written

Question 1: What gender do you identify as being?

  • Female - 6
  • Male - 4
  • Prefer Not Specify - 0

Question 2: What is your age?
  • Teens - 7
  • Young Adults - 2
  • Adults - 1

Question 3: Do you enjoy watching documentaries?

  • Yes - 8
  • No - 2

Question 4: What platform(s) do you / would you watch a documentary on?

  • Only ticked BBC - 4
  • Only ticked ITV Hub - N/A
  • Only ticked All 4 - N/A
  • Only ticked Netflix - N/A
  • Ticked 2 of the options - 3
  • Ticked 3 of the options - 2
  • Ticked all options - 1

Question 5: What is your preferred length of time for a documentary?
  • 10 to 20 minutes - 2
  • 30 to 40 minutes - 3
  • 50 to 60 minutes - 3
  • 1 hour + - 2

Question 6: What type of documentaries do you like?
  • Only ticked Educational - 2
  • Only ticked Reflexive - 1
  • Only ticked Poetic - 1
  • Ticked Educational and Reflexive - 2
  • Ticked Educational and Poetic - 1
  • Ticked Reflexive and Poetic -
  • Ticked all options - 3

Question 7: Would you prefer to watch a documentary which focuses on one person’s viewpoint, or one which includes multiple viewpoints?
  • One Viewpoint - 1
  • Multiple Viewpoints - 9

Question 8: Do you think it’s important to discuss sensitive topics as a way to raise awareness, or do you feel social issues should be avoided in conversations?
  • Yes, they should be discussed - 10
  • No, they should not be discussed - 0

Question 9: If you enjoyed a documentary, would you be inclined to tell others about it?
  • Yes - 10
  • No - 0

Question 10:

  • Idea 1 - 4
  • Idea 2 - 6

Questionnaire Results - Visual

Evaluation of Questionnaire
Overall, I found the questionnaire really helpful; it gave me a lot of relevant information on what type of documentaries people enjoy. I was pleased to see that everyone who took my survey would tell others about a documentary if they enjoyed it. In the media industry this would be important, the more people talk about your product the more relevant it is. Potentially this would lead to a higher number of views, creating more money.


What is Audience Research?
Audience research is a method where producers aim to find out as much as possible, about a certain category of people. From this information they may finalise on their target audience if they hadn’t already. Using information from audience research will ensure that the product being created (heavily) appeals to that target audience. In doing this there might be a higher amount of sales or views. A big factor of why a product fails will sometimes be down to poor audience research.

Key Things to Consider with Audience Research:

  • Age: The period of time someone has been living for
  • Education: This could cover where that person studied or at what level e.g. Degree.
  • Ethnography: The scientific summary of a group and cultures considering their habits and mutual differences.
    • Ethnicity: This is based on what people identify as based on common ancestral, social, cultural, or national experiences.
    • Religion: This is based on who a person does / doesn’t worship, usually the idea of a superhuman with great power e.g. God.
  • Gender: The state of being male or female, not to be confused with Gender Identity
  • Gender Identity: This is what a person identifies as this is not necessarily the same as their biological gender.
  • Occupation: An individual’s job or profession.
  • Sexual Orientation: This is about what sex a person is attracted to e.g. Bisexual

Audience Classification

Audience classification is about grouping people based on a certain characteristics such as their job or gender. In terms of my documentary that I want to create i do not have a very particular classification.

My Target Audience

If I decide to go with the first idea that I proposed, (a documentary about depression), then I’d say that I don’t really have a specific target audience. I am aware that documentaries are something that is watched by every age range depending on the subject matter.

My target audience would mostly be people aged from 16 to 21, when it comes to the second idea that I proposed. My second idea was based on judgement people receive for being different in the way in which they dress.

Personally, I feel the two ideas I have proposed for my documentary are both relevant and something everyone needs to be aware of. Mental health and social judgement affects every age and a large amount of people are directly affected by it.

Spending Habits

The spending habit of a person or particular group, looks at the amount of money spent on certain goods and services.

Potential Spending Habits

  • Young People - Netflix subscription, Spotify Premium and any other streaming services. Potentially also money spent on activities such as going to cinema.
  • Adults - TV license, Netflix subscription, Spotify Premium and any other streaming services.

Would people be interested in my documentary?

The results of the survey showed that people would prefer a documentary on this topic rather than on mental health. I have spoken to multiple people about the idea I have for my documentary, exploring how people respond to different styles. When I asked my sister about which she felt was better she said Idea 2. A few people I asked felt there are already so many things on mental health but not as much on judgement people give for the way someone expresses themselves. I do feel that people would take an interest in the documentary I create.

Would my documentary influence or change people’s views?

My hope is that it will make people consider their own views and potentially how one horrible look towards another may be read. I also hope it encourages people to be more open-minded; there is not just one way of dressing. As a teenager I very much feel like an outsider sometimes when it comes to my fashion preferences.


Are there any other documentaries based on my proposed topics?


Murdered for Being Different - This was a drama based on a true experience in which Sophie Lancaster, a 20-year-old, was beaten to death in a park. Robert Maltby, who was her boyfriend, was also beaten and although he did not die, he ended up in a coma. The reason behind this attack was due to the fact they were dressed as goths.

Hooked on the Look - This is a series which explores people who have had excessive cosmetic surgery to achieve a certain appearance. It focuses on people who have taken extreme measures, in some cases even died to look a certain way. 

  • The Goth Who Lives With a Lolita Doll
    • In this episode it focuses on two British girls who live together, one a goth and the other lolita. In this short documentary we get to here about their daily experiences. Sometimes even being stopped in the street and being asked for a picture.

What would make my documentary similar or different?

I think mine would be similar in the way it closely focuses on a couple of people and certain fashion styles e.g. Cyber Goth. Also the way it would explore the positives and negatives of expressing yourself. However, as a whole I want my documentary to have a message of do what you want, and dress in a way which makes you happy. Overall, I want people to feel encouraged rather than down and depressed after watching.

What are my reasons for wanting to create this documentary?

The reason I want to create this is because I identify as being Goth and overall try to dress differently to what is considered the ‘norm’. I have first handedly received comments based on how I choose to dress and do my makeup. Good and bad. Furthermore, I also have friends who have had some uncomfortable experiences based on how they choose to dress. I want people to understand that just because someone dresses in a different way, they are still human.

What do I want to gain from creating this?

I would like to gain satisfaction for hopefully creating a documentary which shows various styles in a positive light.

Section 4 - MARKETING

What is Marketing?

Marketing is about promoting and selling products or a certain service e.g. Netflix, this involves advertising and market research. Market research is the act of collecting relevant information about the audiences needs and preferences.

Where would I market my documentary?

I would market my research online using sites and platforms such as Instagram, and then potentially posting a small trailer of my documentary on YouTube.  

Where would my documentary be seen?

Most likely once my documentary has been created, i will upload the video to YouTube as this is an easy platform to access. Also videos are shareable via a link so it will make it easy to send it to multiple people. Furthermore, YouTube can be interactive as viewers can leave comments and likes/dislikes. These features allow video creators to instantly get feedback.


Production research is always needed when developing a new product. It is research to help give information on the characteristics of the product. It focuses on the production of a product, in other words, how it's created.

Resources I will need for documentary filming:

  • Camera 
    • This will not cost anything as I already have a camera which I can take pictures and film 
  • Crew 
    • This won’t cost me anything as I should be able to do all the filming by myself
  • Microphone for camera
  • People to interview - preferably with a similar style or just music taste as mine
  • Questions to ask the interviewee
  • Tripod
    • Hopefully this will not cost me anything as my college has some which I can borrow, if not I will buy one. Tripod’s can be purchased at places such as Argos and online at Amazon.
  • Umbrella
    • This will cost nothing as I already have several that I could use. The reason this is on the resource list is because I may sometimes be filming outside. The weather can be extremely unpredictable so it is best to be prepared.


Source 1: GCSE Media Studies
URL: https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/guides/zy24p39/revision/1
Date Accessed: 21 November, 2018
Date Published: N/A

Source 2: Audience, Market and Production Research
URL: https://www.slideshare.net/marleylong/audience-27055236
Date Accessed: 05 December, 2018
Date Published: 10 October, 2013

Source 3: Understanding the Difference between Race and Ethnicity
URL: https://www.dailydot.com/irl/what-is-ethnicity/
Date Accessed: 05 December, 2018
Date Published: 08 May, 2018

Source 4: Oxford Dictionaries
URL: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/religion
Date Accessed: 05 December, 2018
Date Published:  N/A

Source 5: Spending Habits
URL: https://www.ratecity.com.au/savings-accounts/articles/spending-habits
Date Accessed: 05 December, 2018
Date Published:  N/A

Source 6: Murdered for Being Different
URL: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0559fd8
Date Accessed: 12 December, 2018
Date Published:  13 July, 2017

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UNIT 3.2: Questionnaire (NOTES)

QUESTIONNAIRE  What is a questionnaire? A set of questions which has a selection of choices or just a blank space for the person to wri...